Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lesson learned!

Jealousy! The green monster we should all truly be afraid of! It can hurt people beyond belief...and I've learned that its better to get it out! Even if its just writting it on a piece of paper & then ripping the paper and making confetti...then trying really hard to get past it! Most likely by then writting down what your gratful for, and maybe some big dreams, and keeping that piece in a place you can see it! Even if you don't think jealousy is an issue for you now, keep this in mind, or try it anyway, you may find its just deep inside. Trust me get it out and take care of it! No matter the feeling, if its not positive get it out and done with! AND no matter whats going on take a min. to write down the things you are thankful for, it helps with the holiday stress, and makes you feel better!

Happy Holidays! (& remember to LIVE LAUGH LOVE)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I am the WORST blogger ever! I'm sorry...I was sick 2 weeks before thanksgiving...then slightly Wow....I have a new @ least (very very min!!!!) once a week! I actually have a huge to do list for school/the holidays/other random commitments! I need to update my planner actually! I'll post some funny pics to make up for my MIA-ness & to add some smile to everyones stress! Though I really hope your holiday stress hasn't started yet...and that it won't either!

ha! Pretty funny!

haha! just to cover all possible questions i guess?

shouldn't the cops being doing something about that??! sad...but kinda funny!

Thats just plain cool!

this is just tooo ironic!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buenas noches!

Hi guys! Sorry for the absence! I had a wicked bad cold! I didnt even work out last week! Thats rare for me! Anyway! I've always been obsessed with Traveling! But now I'm recording Sam Browns Passport to Europe almost long as I remember! The BEST Christmas gift I've ever gotten was my Dvd player/recorder! I highly HIGHLY recommend one! And I've been working little by little on my spanish! I don't think I'm going to be able to fit the class into my school I'm teaching myself! I bought a 9 language basic cd-rom its awesome-9 languages! like Spanish, Russian, Chinesse, Japnesse, Portugese, Italian, etc! But its very basic words. So I also have a dictionary and I found the Spanish New Testament for $1! lol So I read that sometimes! And I watch movies I've seen a lot in spanish-well sometimes, being immersed in it is important, some colleges offer intensive classes that last a few weeks, where you seriously learn a language in a few weeks, mostly because you don't hear english at all, only when you call your family, which is only a few times! So I'll try my own less darastic approach! lol And I really hope I can learn a new language every few years! Up till I'm about 90-100! Believe me I'll travel as long as I can! I get a high from thinking about traveling and learning new languages! It makes me feel kinda geeky! In a good way though! Now I must go, and get a little work done, and then get some sleep, since I havent had much this week!


Monday, October 29, 2007

Most inspirational lecture ever!

I actually watched this in one of my classes, my teacher thought it was really inspirational, and hoped it would teach us something! It certainly opened my eyes a lot!

Enjoy....I LOVE this....I hope it inspires you as much, or more than, it did me....and PLEASE forward it on!

Live, Laugh, Love,

Friday, October 12, 2007

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.=Someone should clue in 99% of the celebs in this world! lol

One quote that I found a while ago, and after rereading it clicked a little harder this time....
For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.-Mary Kay Ash
*I have a feeling I'm going to be finding a lot of detours in the next few weeks! Like working around all the stuff I have going on, ie school, sports, working out, I need to find a job once the fall season is over, spending time with friends and family, and sleep! I am sooooo sleep deprived right now, its not even funny! So my advice to you, when you come to a hurdle, try and jump it, if it does work, go under it! lol

Another Quote that I love today=To believe in yourself and to follow your dreams, to have goals in life and a drive to succeed, and to surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy - this is success! -Sasha Azevedo

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The American way! tonight I have 2 kinda random grips to share! lol So you know the show American Princess? Well....if there really would be an American Princess wouldnt she be the classic "Girl Next Door" kinda girl, sure prob rich, but still? Tea drinking, wine tasting (not just drinking! lol), polo not baseball! I just don't get that! Not many people in America are propper and English like that! lol Maybe my Nana, but even then, she still makes and eats lost of Apple Pies and watches Baseball, well when Papa makes her! lol Sorry, random rant!

And....I had another random Patriotic rant.... but I can't remember it! TTYL guys!


Sunday, September 23, 2007


Everyone gets stressed from time to time!?!? Its one of those inevidable things in life! But how do you deal? What are your stress busting secrets?

My stratagies vary depending....but tea is a good one! And showering! Long showers are the best! Also going for a run, doing some intense crunches, planks, squats, etc. -that has major benefits since it can help you feel better AND look better! lol Another fav is watching a good movie or show, or even if I dont have a lot of time, find some clips of movies and shows on youtube, watch a music video, or one of those cheesy pieced together movies about the Harry Potter love triangle, or the way that person wanted the Jess-Rory-Dean thing to work out! All of it helps get your mind off of things...and usually make you LAUGH! Laughing is soooo important to me when I want to beat stress! Or just anytime! lol Last and most certainly NOT least, would be a nice piece of dark chocolate, hopefully followed by sleep!

These are mine? What are yours? (I'd love comments on how you deal!)


Sunday, September 16, 2007

"We've learned to fly the air like birds, we've learned to swim the seas like fish and yet we haven't learned to walk the earth like brothers and sisters." Dr. Martin Luther King

As I read this earlier....It clicked that I don't think I've ever read anything like this before. Or at least at the time it didnt register. This did. Its very very clear that Dr. King studied the bible...ALOT! And I love him for it....this is definately a quote to meditate on. I think it should be some sort of life requirment! lol.... I think some people are more common to anger and grudges that cause us to NOT act like brothers and sisters, while some of us, get along better with people, its easier for them to forgive and forget. But thats not to say that people can't work at it, and learn how to forgive and forget! I think its something everyone needs to try, and think about on a daily bases, it may just be one small thing that can change your world in big ways!

Live, Laugh, Love EVERDAY,

Saturday, September 1, 2007

2 days of school....and a 3 day weekend!

I have no idea why we start school....go for 2 or 3 days and then have a long weekend? What the? Honestly we should start the week after labor day right?!!? But after 2 days....I have homework....for all but Pre-calc...we didnt even get books! I'm not sure Chems gonna be as bad as i thought it would be! Our teachers awesome...and its a small class....including 3 of my best friends and one of the smartest guys i know! lol But at this still worried about my stress level for the next 10 months! And also my sanity....That and our pre-clac tests are 60% of our grade! OMW! I can tell you this year I'm sticking by my motto to work hard, play hard! But I'll have to schedule the play time! lol God, I hope I dont die this year! lol I need to go eat and then most likely at least look @ my homework assignments....if not go shopping! lol bye!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ah....The anguish of August! the friggn' Vay! Sports start next monday....And I can't make up my mind! I signed up to try soccer....even though its only a club thing! But XC's an option....and it sounds better than soccer right now. I prob wont be that good...but its trying something new...and proving that I can do it! But the thing that I REALLY WANT TO DO is to sell Mark and My jewelry @ parties and shows...but....ya....asking my mom to let me do that is like talking to a wall! lol A small minded one! So....I have no idea what to do! IM FREAKING OUT!

Also...I started that whole workout challenge thing...and its not over till the end of even though i havent done that well on it...I still really really want to but a sport might mess that up! BUT...Im still really unsure and freaking out! Actually....I'll get on the treadmill now....maybe I'll get some inspiration!?!? lol...or I'll just dream! lol BYE!